The Navigator Company
Fonteinlaan 5 Unit 117
2012JG Haarlem
The Netherlands
VAT: NL 804 880 323 B01
to the manufacturer's sustainable products
download declaration of honour
to the manufacturer's website
Download company certificates here: ISO9001 IS014001

Environmental responsibility and a fair society
Navigator’s sustainability strategy covers challenges in the areas of Circular Economy, Climate Change, Biodiversity Conservation and Innovation, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations.
Navigator has a sustainable business model based on the use of renewable raw materials and biodegradable, recyclable products, which contribute to people’s well-being. We invest in staff training and in social responsibility programs in the community.
The Company's approach
The Company’s approach to sustainability management is founded on its Sustainability Policy and on other policies which address its main environmental, social and economic risks and opportunities.
The sustainability policy commits The Navigator Company to applying the principles of accountability, transparency and citizenship, without forgetting that business viability is another crucial component of Company strategy.
A Commitment to Sustainability
Our sustainability policy comprises a number of commitments which guide our decisions, starting with a commitment to sustainable development, which is understood as a coordinated quest for economic prosperity, environmental responsibility and a fair society.
In order to achieve this, we continue to invest in reducing the environmental impact of our operations, in talent and in health and safety for our workforce, in dialogue with our local communities and in a constant search for innovative products and services.
Our vision of sustainability also includes the commitment to actively encouraging all our partners and stakeholders to work alongside us in our quest for sustainable development.