How does it work?
On this website, you will only find products that have at least 1 independent and reliable third-party certification.
This rules out greenwashing 100% and that is the goal.
By starting to buy and use "Responsible Office" products, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint overnight. If you make this choice, it can start tomorrow, without any investment. Just do it.
Responsible Office does not sell anything!
Responsible Office is an initiative of Bosta the trade association of this industry and the only purpose of Responsible Office is to provide independent reliable information about products that are better for the environment.
All certificates that can prove that can be downloaded directly from this website so you can safe time and have 100% correct information.
If you seek more information, a quotation or want to buy the products, you can contact one or more dealers of this industry.

What value have Responsible Office points for you?
Imagine this. You want to start improving your procurement of office and/or school products and make it more sustainable.
Quite a job. You need to figure out which products are better. It would take weeks, even months, to figure this out. And will this research be 100% reliable?
No need, this difficult and time-consuming work has already been done by Responsible Office.
What does Responsible Office gain if you buy products that are better for the environment?
The manufacturers and dealers of this industry will focus even more on sustainable innovative products if you buy more of them. By doing this, this industry will eventually become 100% sustainable and circular, which is why Responsible Office is doing this.
Don't underestimate your power as a consumer.
If you buy sustainable products, this industry will automatically become more sustainable.
Let's make the calculation.
The more Responsible Office points a product has, the better the product can prove it is sustainable. So is it more sustainable? Not necessarily, but it does prove that the manufacturer has invested in having this product certified by an independent certifier. And that means something. The manufacturer believes in its product and can objectively prove that it is better for people and the environment.
Products can have more than one certificate. They then get more points. If the manufacturer of that product can also provide certificates from the factory where the product was manufactured, those points are also added to the points at product level to result in the Total Responsible Office Score of a product.
For example; a product manufactured by a company with ISO9001 (1 point) and the product has a PEFC™ certificate (2 points), obtains a Responsible Office Score of 3 points. This product will be ranked higher than a product with just the PEFC™ certificate that wil obtain only 2 points.
Factory Certificates:
Product Certificates:
EU Ecolabel
Shopping today can be a challenge. There are so many products it's almost impossible to distinguish between them. To stand out, many brands now promote themselves as green or stress their environmental credentials. But can we always trust these claims?
The EU Ecolabel helps consumers, retailers and business make truly sustainable choices.
Responsible Office points: 3
Blue Sign
International label for responsible textile.
Certification of the production process in which no harmful substances were used. Binding criteria on energy and water consumption are also mandatory.
Responsible Office points: 2
No products with this certificate yet
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NF 293 Furniture
French certificate for interior & furniture
Responsible Office points: 2
No products with this certificate yet
If you have a product please Contact
NF 335 Cartridges
French certificate for refurbished toner cartridges
Responsible Office points: 2
No products with this certificate yet
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Your certificates here?
Your products here?
Do you have a valuable third-party certificate or products in this industry certified with a reliable third-party certificate that is not yet listed here? Contact us!