Responsible Office (RO) AWARDS
Proven sustainability you can proudly present to the world
To be responsible or not, that is the question!
Whether you are an advocate for a better world. Or are a critic who thinks things are not moving fast enough. Maybe you are a climate denier or activist. We are all human beings who get to use this earth for a while. In our shared cultures, across the boundaries of religion, one of the unwritten laws is that what you use, you also leave in good condition. Or, as the scouts teach us, ‘we leave our camp site better than we found it’.
It is terrible to see.
We cannot continue as we are doing now. Our responsibility taps us on the shoulder. The water bombs, extreme drought, firestorms and other disruptions convince even the biggest denier, unless again, they don't want to know. That is why a lot of new European and regional environmental laws, rules and regulations are coming our way in the coming months and years that both individuals and entrepreneurs will need to adapt to.
Excessive Regulations?
It may seem that way but then again, it is 5 minutes after deadline. Did you know that you can also use these new rules to your advantage and that of your company? Those who know what is coming will come out better. Ensure continuity by starting NOW to inform yourself on the new environmental issues.
If you want to know all the information about these new rules to apply them to your activity, you can do so cheaply, quickly and easily.
Responsible Office (RO) membership costs €250 ex VAT per year. As a member of RO, you will receive all relevant information on environmental regulations and laws in your mailbox. Send your membership application to: Responsible Office
We have a lot of experience in our industry with positive environmental revolutions.
In the 1990s, the European paper producing and converting industry started to drastically review their working methods. Out of self-interest to ensure continuity but also certainly out of responsibility to the community, they devised closed water circuits, chlorine-free bleaching and many other positive environmental measures. The paper industry in Europe became and still is one of the first industries worldwide that can be used as an example for all other industries. Paper is a sustainable product that emits perhaps less CO2 than digital solutions and is made entirely from wood from perfectly managed forests, and thus a 100% renewable resource.
Responsible Office is another good example.
Since 2014, Bosta nonprofit organisation, the trade association of this industry, has taken the initiative to invest a lot in a website that only shows products from our industry that have at least 1 reputable, independent, third-party certificate (this way of working is compliant with the Green Claim Regulation). So, if you as a buyer want to buy more sustainable from tomorrow in a proven way, you can do so quickly and without much work because Responsible Office has already done the hard work for you.
More sustainable in a proven way
In the list below you will find Manufacturers, Importers and Distributors working with reputable, independent third-party certificates. So, they are all sustainable in a proven way, and that deserves a Responsible Office AWARD.
Click the below icons to download the Award
RO Charter?
Ask for the "Responsible Office environmental Charter" free of charge.
Or ask permission to use the Responsible Office logo.
Send request via email to Responsible Office
Do you also work with third-party certificates, and would you also like to get an RO AWARD and be included in this list?
Send your application for membership to:Responsible OfficeWe will provide you with all the information without any obligation.