Gesworenhoekseweg 3A
5047 TM Tilburg
The Netherlands
to the manufacturer's sustainable products
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Download company certificates here: ISO9001 IS014001 RO AWARD

Review our progress and systems and drive improvements
Fellowes’ policy on sustainability fits within our overall corporate vision. Through adhering to environmentally friendly practices we are true to our ethical approach to business which requires us to acknowledge a responsibility to society. We also value simplification and efforts to reduce all forms of waste whether in terms of materials, time or effort. Combining these efforts in our day to day business can also help us achieve targeted financial returns for our shareholders while being responsible stewards of our environment.
We believe that financial, social, and environmental factors must all receive consideration in a manner that respects people in and outside of the company, and supports the communities of which they are a part, locally, nationally & internationally. We recognize that best practice with respect to sustainability is constantly changing. A key aspect of our policy is to be diligent in understanding current best practices and to make decisions that we believe will deliver real benefits financially, socially, and environmentally.
To achieve our vision, Fellowes will support the following goals:
- Recognise, minimise and regularly review the potential environmental impact of our products, processes and business activities.
- Pursue internal reforms to increase energy efficiency and reduce all forms of waste.
- Work to meet the desires of consumers and customers in respect of sustainable products.
- Seek to make a positive contribution to our immediate neighbours and to wider society.
- Research and disseminate information within the organisation regarding the best current understanding of the environmental and social impact of our business operations.
- Audit ourselves periodically to see how we are progressing against our sustainability objectives.
Work to meet the desires of consumers and customers by:
- Reducing packaging and by using sustainable materials where practicable.
- Listening to our customers’ and consumers’ wishes in respect of sustainable products.
- Partnering with our customers on “green” initiatives where feasible.
- Supporting the increased use of websites rather than catalogs to showcase products.
- Labeling our products effectively to help consumers identify the use of recycled content or sustainable practices.
Pursue internal reforms by:
- Recycling as much as practicable within our facilities including paper, bottles, cans, food and landscape waste.
- Seeking to use resources (power, water, oil) efficiently and conservatively.
- Donating reusable items to charitable organisations in preference to discarding them.
- Using electronic or digital communications before paper/print-based communications.
Research and disseminate information within the organisation regarding the best current understanding of the environmental and social impact of our business operations by:
- Sharing knowledge about sustainability issues across our business teams worldwide.
- Publicising sustainability activities and successes to all our employees whenever appropriate.
- Seeking expert information when appropriate and being open to ideas from within and outside the organisation.
Audit ourselves periodically to see how we are progressing against our sustainability objectives by: conduct objective audits of this Environmental Management System to review our progress and systems and to drive further improvements.