Tieblokkenlaan 2
2300 Turnhout
VAT: BE 463 139 663
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Brepols calendar = sustainability every day of the year
Using environmentally friendly paper, energy-efficient machines and local production, Brepols assumes its responsibility for a sustainable future, together with you. How? One step at a time.
Sustainable paper
Brepols only uses FSC® paper. FSC® come again? FSC® is the quality mark awarded by the Forest Stewardship Council. The mark is awarded to paper from responsibly managed forests, produced with respect for the rights of the local population.
Good to know
FSC® paper offers the same quality as ‘standard’ paper and is not more expensive. The only difference lies in its responsibly managed origin. Brepols sometimes even takes things a little bit further, by using recycled FSC® paper, as is the case with the Eco Deco collection. Not an unnecessary indulgence, given that we Belgians are the second biggest consumers of paper in the world. Brepols processes 1.124 tonnes of paper into calendars every year, which corresponds to 27.000 trees.
Sustainable production
In addition to sustainable paper, Brepols also attaches great importance to energy-efficient production. For this reason, Brepols recently invested five million euros in new machinery that simultaneously guarantees a more efficient production and a reduction in energy consumption. Did you know that the updated machinery consumes nearly one million KWh less electricity on a yearly basis? Discover the machines we use to energy-efficiently cut, fold, sew, glue and finish our diaries HERE.
Sustainable location
Moreover, Brepols agendas have been locally produced in Turnhout since 1796, close to the market for its products. As a consequence, Brepols agendas have a much smaller ecological footprint than similar products imported from the Far East. It goes to show: if you choose a Brepols calendar, you choose sustainability every day of the year.